Information & Changes for the JTBA 2024-2025 Season

23 Jul 2024 by Kyle Wilson

Pikeville, KY……There are a few changes for the 2024-2025 JTBA season. The main change is that we have changed the age requirement to go inline with the USBC Junior Gold Age divisions. In the past the JTBA sanctioned events as Adult/Youth, which allowed the 18 year old’s to bowl. I received many complaints or questions as to why I allowed the older kids to still bowl? The only answer I could give was that we were following the rules we set up for the season. So, I hope if there were youth bowlers who did not bowl JTBA, as they did not want to compete against the older kids, have nothing to worry about now. It also was very confusing to parents to the point, when asked, I could not seem to explain to some, still did not understand.

I have also lowered the membership fee. The new fee is $30 per member per year. Membership runs from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. It pays to be a JTBA member as you save $10 per event you bowl.

Finally, we are no longer having an end of the year scholarship fund. All money collected for a regular season event will be paid out at that event.

Please spread the word about the JTBA to attract new bowlers. Our Kick-Off event will be held Sunday, August 4, 2024 at HP Lanes in Columbus, Ohio.

As always you can pay entry fee and membership online through the JTBA Team App Store or by mail.

I have attached forms for the first half of the JTBA 2024-2025 Season, please let me know if you have any questions.

You can check the current roster for the event at I will be adding in names starting on Wednesday.

Looking forward to the 45th JTBA season!
